Handcrafted Wooden Art by John & Laurie
John & Laurie are the makers of handcrafted wooden art decor since 2012.  What makes our art so special is our attention to detail and our love for working with the most amazing hardwoods in the world.

A few of the local hardwoods we work with include Florida Spalted Laurel, Georgia Spalted Maple, Ambrosia Maple, Extinct Wormy Chestnut, and Black Walnut from the Carolinas. We also work with rare hardwoods like Black & White Ebony, Gaboon Ebony, Macassar Ebony, and Snakewood. Some of the exotic hardwoods are Spalted Tamarind, Belgium Bastogne Walnut, Cocobolo, and Rosewoods.

A big part of our process is just finding these hardwoods so we are constantly searching through mills to restock our hardwood collection. Our lathe (pictured right), band saw, and drill press are just a few of the tools we have in our woodworking shop to create our art.

Our first lanterns were beautiful but very simple compared to our newer designs. The lantern lines are graceful and make a beautiful centerpiece or hang from a ceiling or off a wall (sconce style). Either way they add the perfect finishing touch to home decor and also make a wonderful gift.

In 2020 we began our Kinetic designs which create kalidoscopic patterns when in motion. Our Kinetics have a combination of hardwoods and Baltic Birch wood for the fins. The sizes range from 30-40 inches in diameter and have colorful fin patterns. They make a great addition to a larger space for both home or businesses.